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Limp Bizkit - Fred Durst Limp Bizkit
 HFStival, Washington, DC

Fred Durst - Limp BizkitI got to hand it to the guys in the Bizkit, they have quickly become one of the most popular bands in all the land and if there were any doubt about that it was nixed by the time they even took the stage. The already worn out crowd passed the time while waiting for Fred and Crew to take the stage by going absolutely APESHIT! As the Limp Bizkitfestivities and events outside wound down to a close and the entire force of nearly 70,000 strong accumulated in the bowels of RFK, the revelers began to toss about all those beer cups they've been collecting throughout the day until the whole sky was filled with them. Then, in order to protect themselves from the deluge Limp Bizkitabove, the crowd began to tear up the plastic covering that blanketed the field of RFK and hoist it above their heads as a shield. Then, as if that wasn't enough, a few brave souls began to climb up onto the plastic that the crowd held up and actually surf the crowd. It was absolutely amazing. The whole scene just kept escalating until there were at least 30-40 people aloft on their makeshift surf platforms, half of whom were in various states of nudity. It was just one of those rock n' roll moments that those who witnessed will be talking about for quite a while. Finally, one of the event staff came to the stage and simply stated, "You guys are some crazy motherfuckers!", which of course won him an immediate roar of approval. He then asked for everyone to settle down and pass the plastic up to the front so that Limp Bizkit could come out.

Limp BizkitMuch to my surprise, the crowd cooperated fully and with one gigantic blast of fireworks, Limp Bizkit set the place off. With Mr. Durst in his patented backwards red NY Yankees cap (which has quickly become a very annoying trend among 20-something males, no offense to Fred intended) and baggy pants, and guitarist Wes Borland looking like some reject from a bad Aliens sequel with his mutant makeup and spaced out stage attire, Limp Bizkit pounded the appreciative audience into the ground with their detuned grind, funked-up hip-hop beats, and some freaky spinning from DJ Lethal. Though they'veLimp Bizkit pared their stage set up down since their Ladies Night in Cambodia Tour and their stint on last years Ozzfest (no giant toilets, spaceships, or tanks tonight, folks), they let their music do the talking for them tonight, and let me tell ya, it definitely had something to say. By the time they raged through their mega-platinum hit "Nookie" this whole stadium knew exactly who the kings of this years HFStival were. A fantastic showing from a band who in twenty years from now we'll all be hearing on every "classic" rock radio station in the world. It's true. Mark my words...........


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